Olivier Weddrien on the cornerstones of our operating framework and holistic approach to group companies.

Unternehmer Edition, 9 December 2024

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Gründer und Vorstand Olivier Weddrien

E3 in FINANCE magazine

Olivier Weddrien spoke to Melanie Ehmann of FINANCE magazine about the potential of strategic pricing and what this can mean for a company’s profitability and positioning.

Thomas Fotteler und der PEMA-Geschäftsführer Jörg Loew im Interview mit der Frankenpost Verlag GmbH.

E3 in Frankenpost

Thomas Fotteler and PEMA Managing Director Jörg Loew share their insights in this interview with Frankenpost Verlag GmbH.

Pumpernickel der Firma PEMA

E3 in Lebensmittel Zeitung

Our newest investment is progressing in leaps and bounds. But how has E3 helped PEMA set a course for success? And in which markets is PEMA ready to make its move? E3’s Thomas Fotteler and PEMA Managing Director Jörg Loew spoke to Alrun Krönert of Lebensmittel Zeitung about all this and more.

Olivier Weddrien und Andrés Gevert

E3 in IPE D.A.CH

Are long-term investments inherently boring? Far from it. This guest contribution by Olivier Weddrien and Andrés Gevert for IPE D.A.CH outlines the many benefits to investing in an industrial holding company as opposed to a traditional private equity fund.

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023

E3 Holding Sustainability Report 2023

We have been publishing sustainability reports since the first year we were founded. Sustainability and ESG are in our DNA, and we report facts and figures on these matters in our annual sustainability report.

Dr. Laura Krainz-Leupoldt und

Reporting on E3 Holding SE’s fourth acquisition

We are very excited about our fourth acquisition! As numerous sources of media have reported, PEMA Vollkorn-Spezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG is now part of the E3 family, strengthening our food investment sector.

PEMA ist ein solide geführtes, traditionsreiches Unternehmen mit erstklassigem Produktangebot

The E3 family is growing: PEMA Vollkorn-Spezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG

The acquisition of PEMA is the second in our food investment sector.

Meet the team – Three questions for Andrea Merker

Behind every successful team is a reliable back office. We ask Andrea Merker three questions…

E3 in Fränkischer Tag

With the support of E3 Holding SE, Konrad Böhnlein GmbH is strengthening its position on the market. An article in Fränkischer Tag

E3 in private banking magazin

Company succession: Industrial holding company or private equity investor? A guest contribution by Olivier Weddrien and Kurt Hardt in private banking magazin.