E3 Approach

Shaping the Bigger Future.

Eine Mitarbeiterin und ein Mitarbeiter der E3 Holding SE

Sowing with foresight – harvesting sustainably.

We are an industrial holding company supporting our group companies with capital and technical know-how. What matters to us is integrity and long-term value creation. We identify the strengths of our group companies, and provide support in areas with sustainable growth potential, for example in new markets, business succession, the digital transformation and in growing ecological awareness throughout the economy and our society.

Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der E3 Holding SE

Our investment strategy

  • E3 Holding adheres to a structured investment process, actively managing the various steps along the way, from deal sourcing to due diligence and contract negotiations.
  • E3 Holding keeps the Investment Committee informed about the progress.
  • The company profile, and the risks and opportunities identified in the due diligence process, are comprehensively outlined in an investment memorandum.
  • We conduct a structured due diligence exercise to verify our investment thesis.
  • The Investment Committee, consisting of four persons appointed by the Supervisory Board and the management of E3 Holding, recommends that the Supervisory Board approve the investment.

Our guiding compass: