Coligo AB

ESG Best Practice: Sweden’s Coligo AB


Cyber security services & digital transformation


Stockholm, Sweden



Start of the partnership


About Coligo AB

Founded in 2012, Coligo AB is a multi-awarded Swedish cyber security specialist, offering consulting across the entire Microsoft infrastructure, alongside change management and managed IT services. The company is also a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider.

Coligo is a market leader in its business fields, having annual contracts with more than 50 client companies (of between 500 and 15,000 employees), all of whom are ready to deploy technology to take their business to the next level.

Our goal is to establish ESG criteria at all group companies, to drive their value and resilience. How do we achieve that? All group companies undergo a continuous company-specific process to develop a sustainability strategy and implement ESG measures.

Our Group companies also receive professional support from a dedicated E3 team. At Coligo, that looks like this:

Ein Mitarbeiter der E3 Holding SE im Dialog

Case study: Coligo

Point of departure

At the time of E3 Holding’s investment, Coligo was managing its sustainability risks and opportunities quite adequately given the company’s size and industry – even if its sustainability risk management was barely formalised and had neither been incorporated into its strategy nor into its operations. However, it was clear from the start that certain risks would gain importance amid changed (client) demands, and that Coligo’s management approach would no longer suffice. Moreover, the company was failing to grasp vital ESG opportunities.

Sustainability strategy

As a first step under E3’s active ownership, Coligo and E3 Holding developed a sustainability strategy to address ESG risks and opportunities, which defines the company’s fundamental sustainability positioning in the market and its level of ambition when it comes to material ESG issues:

  • Coligo is now aiming to position itself as an ESG pioneer in the market.
  • Sustainability is integral to Coligo’s core business, not least because its IT products and services are designed to help clients implement their own environmental strategies and achieve related targets.

Moreover, ESG-related key fields of action were identified based on client needs and relevant aspects in the upstream value chain.

  • Internal ESG management: formalise ESG management standards and demonstrate clear organisational responsibility
  • ESG products and services: strengthen the ESG focus of products and services and identify corresponding market trends and client needs more actively
  • ESG-related communication: ensure transparency towards external and internal stakeholders

Operational implementation

Based on this strategic framework, Coligo developed a sustainability road map together with experts from E3 Holding and capital.

The road map includes specific goals and prioritised measures in the company’s main fields of action; supported by the team of experts, the road map is continuously refined and recalibrated in line with the strategic framework.

Since E3 Holding first invested in the company at the end of 2021, Coligo has already taken some key steps on its road map:

  • It has established an ESG team and defined structures and processes.
  • It has developed a sustainability objective, which serves as an ESG framework and governs internal and external communications.
  • It has joined the UN Global Compact.
  • It has developed new services to help clients reduce their carbon emissions through selection of appropriate hardware equipment.
  • It offers a webinar to raise ESG awareness among potential clients.

Internal sustainability at Coligo AB (2021)

Treibhausgasemissionen 1
Scope 1 emissions (tCO2e) 29.01 tCO2e2
Scope 2 emissions (tCO2e) 20.01 tCO2e2
Energy consumption
Total energy consumption (kWh)4,455 kWh
Total consumption of renewable energies (kWh)51 kWh
Percentage of renewable energies in total energy consumption1.20%
Proportion of women
Percentage of women in the overall workforce11.10%
Number of general management / management board members6
Number of female managing directors / management board members0
Percentage of women on general management teams / on the management board0.00%
Workplace accidents
Number of reportable workplace accidents0
Number of fatal workplace accidents0
Number of lost days0
Number of net new hires (organic growth, as FTE 3)2
Number of net new hires (total, as FTE3 3)2
Employee turnover (in %)0.00%
Employee surveys
Do you conduct annual employee surveys?Yes

1 The results give an indication of the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions. The data is partly based on reference values.

2 CO2 equivalents, a measure for standardising the climate impact of various greenhouse gases

3 Full-time equivalents


Olivier Weddrien

Founder · CEO

Questions on ESG? Get in touch to find out more.

Olivier Weddrien

Founder · CEO