Actions & Ambitions

Actions & Ambitions

We want to make as much of a difference as possible, in economic and sustainability terms. Once we have identified the sustainability areas where we can achieve maximum impact, that is where our actions will be focused.

Together with our partner capital, we use a materiality analysis to determine the relevance of specific sustainability topics to E3 Holding. The topics are assessed on two levels (“double materiality”):

  • their influence on E3 Holding’s business success and
  • E3 Holding’s impact on these topics (i.e. primarily on the environment and society).

The result is a materiality matrix that helps us prioritise the various sustainability topics and derive actions and ambitions.

Owing to the fact that we are still building our investment portfolio, we have focused on overarching sustainability topics to date. We will expand these topics over the course of 2023 to take account of the specific industry and business perspectives of each group company. The materiality analysis will be continually updated to reflect the dynamic landscape and our growing investment portfolio.

Starting in 2023, potential group companies will undergo an due diligence review prior to acquisition to check if they align with our sustainability targets and key topics. Any deficits determined will not necessarily lead to exclusion – as long as there is no negative impact on our investment strategy. Instead, we will regard this stocktake as a starting point for improvement and begin taking remedial action straight after any acquisition.

The specific areas of action under our sustainability investment strategy are detailed below, along with our actions and ambitions. An overview of the KPIs recorded in this context for steering and transparency reasons can be found here.