Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

We will not invest in companies that …

  • … grossly neglect fundamental labour and human rights (including key suppliers).
  • … contribute significantly to destroying the environment and/or consistently breach environmental standards (including key suppliers).
  • … are involved in serious cases of corruption.
  • … have their headquarters or subsidiaries in locations that are on the EU list of non-cooperative countries and jurisdictions for tax purposes.
  • … produce banned or otherwise particularly controversial weapons and/or their core components.
  • … operate nuclear power plants, produce core components for nuclear power plants or mine uranium.
  • … mine coal, extract or process oil sands, operate coal power stations or produce or use fracking technologies.
  • … operate in the gambling, pornography or tobacco industries.
  • … engage in the production of conventional weapons or armament goods (including their core components) as a core business activity (> 20% of total revenue).